Send me all the files with the same starting point. Bounce the files so every track starts at zero.​
Use preferably 24 bits and whatever sample-rate you have used for the recording.​
If there's any special fx added that you like e.g. on a vocal track, please send that with the fx printed on a new audio file called "Fx Print 1" and so on.. But in general tracks should be dry with no reverbs, delays or compression added.​
Name the tracks as shortly as you can and make sure they're called the same between different songs. Example: KICK, SD TOP, SD BTM, TOM 1, GTR RHY 1 L, GTR RHY 1 R, LEAD GTR 1, VOX CLEAN 1, VOX SC 1, BASS DI etc.​
Please provide a good clean & unprocessed line signal for re-amping guitars, and make sure you name it so it's clear wether it's left or right.​
Don't send lots of tracks for one guitar-take. Select the best take and just send the ones you want on the record.​
Send all the files for each song in a folder with the name and the bpm in the title. Please use subfolders for guitars, drums, Vocals, etc.​
Please provide the tempo map of the song as a midi-file in case the song has tempo changes.​​​
Make sure all your files line up before sending them to me.